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  2. Spreespeicher
  3. Room specific questions: 030 Eventloft

Room capacity

Our largest room, the 030 Eventloft, is divided into two rooms, called Grande and Medio.

Room Grande can also be rented without booking the Medio, unfortunately not the other way around.


Room Capacities - Grande

Our 030 Eventloft - Grande has the capacity to welcome up to 220 persons per event steated. Depending on the type of seating the capacity can vary.

Row Seating: up to 220 persons

Parliamentary seating: up to 135 persons

U-Seating: up to 50 persons

Table Seating: up to 200 persons

Gala Seating: up to 160 persons


Room Capacities - Medio

Our 030 Eventloft - Medio has the capacity to welcome up to 145 persons per event seated. Depending on the type of seating the capacity can vary.

Row Seating: up to 145 persons

Parliamentary seating: up to 75 persons

U-Seating: up to 40 persons

Table Seating: up to 100 persons

Gala Seating: up to 100 persons